Sunday, October 28, 2012

Never Give Up

As life goes there will always be days that are more difficult then others.This is true for everyone even indie filmmakers.Some days in post production become overwhelming. I struggled for several days to decide when to make a trip out to LA for the purpose of finalizing the last few tweaks to the edit of our wonderful movie Spirit of Love. The trick is to schedule and coordinate strategic times to meet with various people in the industry, distributors,and others regarding upcoming productions. Filmmaking is a collaborative effort and our film is a result of a lot of hard work by many great people.
I admit the last few days I wanted to crawl back into bed with warm fuzzie jammies and a cup of hot coco and watch mindless television.Not sure if that is because of the snow and freezing temperatures recently here in Colorado or just the nature of the beast(filmmaking) or both.
So I sat here for days vacillating and made the decision to be like Nike and just do it.
I'm usually a pretty focused person who is not one to give up,and then I received an email with the words Never give up, not only once but several.As difficult as it has been to move forward and stay positive in this business world full of uncertainly ,I finally made a decision and made arrangements to travel to Los Angeles with the hope that it will lead to great things.

So now the week long preparation is in motion leading up to my departure.
It's difficult to be optimistic and positive when you feel like your flying solo blindly
without a safety net.But at the end of the day the message of the film Spirit of Love is about Never Give UP and so keeping with the message I am going forward with the intent to "Never Give Up" because there is a bigger purpose for our lives and we each may or may not have recognized or realized what the purpose is.But one has to try,and try so I will.


  1. You have come way too far to give up at this point, Darla. Besides it is not in you to ever give up -- especially when you believe so strongly that there is a "greater purpose" in what you are doing! So keep the faith and your hard work and dedication will come to fruition! The "Spirit of Love" is within you as well, dear friend!

  2. Takes more courage to move when you aren't sure where to go. Kudos, Darla.
