Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Whirlwind and Many Hills to Climb

Well its been awhile since my last blog. But not to worry lots of forward motion has been happening.
Personally I am living the line in Steel Magnolias when Truvy says"We're gonna be busier than a one armed paper hanger" That is exactly the case.  I spent so much time deciding when,where,why,and how I should go to LA but now I'm here. I've been here since Monday and today is Wednesday.
I spent most of the first two days with my editor finalizing tweaks and ending credits and cutting the theatrical trailer with all the final audio and colorization.It really is a beautiful movie and I still shed tears when watching it in the editing suite. But it has been a Whirlwind of events. Many would say wow how lucky but I believe it is part of God's plan and destiny for my life and this project Spirit of Love.

Today is the first day that I have had the finished film in my hands and it is already in the hands of two distributors. That may sound exciting and amazing to many people but it may also be a blur to others.
Fact is Distribution does NOT equal large paychecks necessarily. Distribution does not mean you get to see it in theaters. Distribution may or may not happen in the way you want.I learned this lesson the hard way as have many independent filmmakers. Nevertheless we have a solid good movie which tells an amazing and important story and so we as independent filmmakers have many hills to climb.

We have to negotiate,negotiate,and negotiate some more to get the best possible distribution opportunities for this film. When a film is finished in the editing bay and post production,there are still many obstacles to overcome.This is not the time to rush through and have screenings and show it for our friends.It is a time to stick to the plan. As an actor I know everyone involved wants to see the final product,but we want to make sure it is the best outcome for all parties involved. That is why it is called the business of filmmaking.

Although the film is complete we still need the closed captioning which is about 2 weeks out and then we submit to MPAA for rating as well as several festivals awaiting the film. Both of these cost money and time.

I AM so thrilled to have completed this film and I truly hope that everyone who watches it will be impacted in some small way if not in a big way.I know I have been.

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